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Adapting To The Environment

How did people adapt to their environment?

The environment shaped the Greeks to become amazing soldiers, people, and raiders.  The environment made an impact on the Greeks by teaching them how to collect food and survive in a harsh environment.  Therefore, the Greeks had to adapt to their environment efficiently.  The environment also affected them because they had to learn to fish instead of hunt on land.  The Greeks had to walk 40 miles from any town inside Greece to get fresh water.  Clearly, this was a challenge people learnt to adapt to in order to survive. There were many active volcanoes surrounding Greece.  The Greeks had to learn to adapt to this, in order to survive by recoginizing times to leave their homes to safety.  They also prayed to the gods, hoping that the volcanos would not erupt. The Greeks learned to adapt quickly to their active environment, like most other Civilizations and Empires.


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