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Greek Olympics

The most famous games held at Olympia, South West of Greece, which took place every four years. The ancient Olympics seem to have begun in the early 700 BC, in honour of Zeus.  No women were allowed to watch the games and only Greek nationals could participate.

Ancient Greek Wonders

One of the ancient wonders was the statue of Zeus at Olympia.  It was made of gold and ivory by a Greek sculptor Pheidias. This was placed inside a Temple, although it was a towering 42 feet high.


Heraclitus (circa 535-475 BCE) is considered the most important pre-Socratic Greek philosopher. He was born in the Greek city of Ephesus. Little is known of his life and we have only a few sentences of his work.


Pericles (circa 495-429 BCE) was the most prominent and influential Greek statesman and orator during the Golden Age of Athens. In

461, he became the ruler of Athens, until his death. During his leadership, he built the Acropolis and the Parthenon and led Athens recapture of Delphi, the siege on Samos, and the invasion of Megara. In 429 CE he died of the plague.



Socrates (circa 469—399 BCE) was a classical Greek philosopher and is considered one the founders of Western logic and philosophy.  He maintained that the more we come to know ourselves, the greater will be our ability to reason and make choices that lead to true happiness. He is known to us mostly through the writings of his students, particularly Plato.  When the political climate of Greece turned, Socrates was sentenced to death by hemlock poisoning in 399 BCE.  He accepted this judgment rather than fleeing into exile.

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