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How does the environment affect where people settle?

The Greek environment was a hard place to live in but people adapted well as they were smart and used the environment to benefit their needs.





Even in the harsh environment the Greeks were able to find food using the surrounding oceans.  Fish was always a delicacy that both the rich and the poor could afford and catch, making it the most versatile food in an otherwise barren environment.  Species common to the Mediterranean Sea harvested by the Greeks include:


  • Plaice

  • Tuna

  • Red mullet

  • Grey mullet

  • Sea bass

  • Grouper

  • Sprats

  • Anchovies


Eel was considered the greatest delicacy.  Poor families could only afford smaller fish like spats and anchovies, while wealthier people were able to buy larger fish like tuna and grouper.


The fishing methods used were large nets, lines and harpoons. Meat, dairy, and breads were common but people didn't eat as much of it because it wasn't as available as fish. The Greeks would eat 2-3 pounds of meat a year. Dairy was only used as medicine they would make cheese used as medicine instead of food.



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